4 Tips to Balance your Hormones

Hormones are the orchestrators of your well-being, influencing everything from your mood to metabolism.  

Some  Symptoms of hormonal imbalance:

  • Brain fog, memory problems, difficulty concentrating.

  • Irritability, mood swings, anxiety and depression.

  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight - despite efforts to diet and exercise.

  • Cellulite 

  • Fatigue and low energy levels.

  • Fluid retention

  • Hot flashes and sensitivity to cold or heat

  • Irregular menstrual cycles - heavy bleeding or missed periods

  • Low libido 

What can cause hormonal issues:

  • Environmental factors - chemical exposure, candle scents, personal care and hygiene products, cleaning products, air fresheners, chronic stress... are all impacting your hormonal balance.

  • Gut health challenges - bad bacteria overgrowth, parasites, yeast overgrowth, candida creates an unhealthy environment in the digestive tract  and those bad bacteria feeding off our reserves such as iron and other vitamins - leading to anaemia and other cellular dysfunction. Gut is involved in eliminating waste and excess hormones and plays a huge role in phase three detoxification of female hormones. Unfortunately, with poor gut health elimination will not be efficient, ant this ends up in the lymphatic system and loads liver function.

  • Sluggish lymphatic system - Excess toxins in the body end up in the lymphatic system, and if the lymphatic system is not stimulated and drained on a regular basis, it will become overworked and overloaded. Therefor it will not be able to eliminate wastes out of the body effectively. We will end up with excess hormones in the body and experience symptoms as described above.

4 tips to balance your hormones

  1. Endermotherapie Lymphatic drainage treatment - stimulates lymphatic system by 300% compared to manual lymphatic drainage massage, improving waste elimination and excess hormone that is stored in the lymphatic system.  It's important that we eliminate these, on a weekly basis, otherwise unfortunately lymphatic system becomes loaded and your symptoms will start being in the way and will impact our performance in all areas of our lives.*

  2. Sweating - sweating will support our detoxification system.
    Excess toxins can be eliminated out of the body through :
    - Sweat
    - Feces
    - Urination
    Anything not eliminated by these, goes into the lymphatic system to be eliminated out of the body.

    We recommend Far Infrared - which is an invisible light spectrum therapy. 
    It energises cells by :
    - Increasing ATP (natural energy centre of the cell). 
    - Enhances organ function through increased ATP . 
    - Support detoxification process of the body and waste elimination through skin pores. 

    We also recommend Hammam steam therapy and Hammam bathing rituals : 
    - Opens up the airways to detox through breathing
    - Brings balance to the mind (stress reduction and up regulation of parasympathetic nervous system)
    - Calms the mind which will support our female hormones and cortisol levels
    - Allows detoxification through skin pores by removing dead skin
    - Stimulates lymphatic system and blood flow (elimination of excess toxins through this stimulation)

    3- Lifestyle factors : good sleep, diet specific to your microbiome, effective stress management (Hammam rituals can really help with this) - book now your free 15 min discovery session with Dr Zara to guide you to balance and wellness !

    4- Awareness of physical environment : what products you use for your self-care, for your home, candles, incense...
